
Want a Clean Environment? Compassion is the Key! | World Environment Day

Want a Clean Environment? Compassion is the Key! | World Environment Day

Want a Clean Environment Compassion is the Key! World Environment Day

Want a Clean Environment? Compassion is the Key! Be selfless and from now onward, think about mother nature first and then yourself.

Want a Clean Environment? Compassion is the Key!

Mother earth is our home. Each form of life here was born from the natural environment. Obviously, a clean and green earth is our most vital need as human beings. We cannot survive if the environment is unhealthy. In fact, the harm to the environment is simply harm to humanity.

How to keep it clean and healthy? Maybe, showing compassion is the key.

For a better future, people should put a little more thought into showing compassion for the environment. Compassion is like a growing sapling; the more you water and take care of it, the stronger it becomes in course of time. Here are a few simple ways to nurture this virtue and make the environment clean, green, and healthy.

Compassion is Effortless

Let us stay aware of the rapidly changing environment and take simple steps to protect its degradation in our own way. The effortless act of picking up that piece of trash and putting it in an appropriate bin is also a big act of compassion for our environment. Sorting of dry, wet, and medical wastes is also a loving step that will benefit the environment in the long run. Resist the urge to waste water in day-to-day household activities. Do not ignore any leaky tap and save each drop of water to stop the depletion of the water table.

Plant more trees, especially local species of trees, vegetables, and flowers. Do not use chemicals in your garden. They will end up in the water systems and can pollute the environment. Always use eco-friendly fertilizers and pesticides as they reduce pollution. Keep houseplants and gardens sufficiently hydrated and try to use clean recycled water for the purpose. For example, you may collect the water used to wash vegetables to water your plants or collect rainwater.

Further, these are summer times. Close your windows & doors in the afternoons to keep the house cool and minimize the use of air-conditioning. Carry your own bags when going grocery shopping and ‘say No’ to plastic bags. Each piece of plastic is hazardous for the earth, animals, and us humans.

Compassion as a Habit

All the above-mentioned steps could become acts of kindness towards the environment if you follow them with all your heart. Demonstrate your compassion through such deeds. In fact, environmental protection is compassionate thinking in action that requires personal sacrifice. You need to set priorities based on how eager you are to give despite your own urgent needs. Understand that devoting ourselves in the protection of the environment is true kindness.

Therefore, develop kind habits in your day-to-day life and before taking your next step think- will this step affect my nature? If you answer yes, then stop and try to mend your ways. Keep in mind that every drop of water that you save, every watt of electricity that you conserve and every gram of waste material that you place in the correct bin, will pave the way for a cleaner and greener environment. Therefore, be selfless and from now onward, think about mother nature first and then yourself.


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