
World Environment Day- 2017

World Environment Day - 2017 - Dr. Archika Didi

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greeds”- Mahatma Gandhi

The immense rise in temperature, deforestations, pollution, the cold war and what not! Well, that’s how we humans are giving it back to our nature, who helps us attaining our all needs is now at the zenith of destruction. The United Nations finally realized that it’s our call of duty to save our Earth because the planet is turning from bad to worse. The UN declared 5th June as “The World Environment Day”. The main motive is to raise global awareness to drag the level of earth from the pinnacle of destruction. The environment is the backbone of the mankind and our actions are decreasing the oxygen level of Earth, which means we’re backfiring to our lives and putting the coming generation in major threat.

The Beginning of Destruction 

Environment as an issue began only in the mid-1960s when the use of industrial machines was at the boom. Due to the increase in the consumption of good and sources and in the never ending needs of the human beings, more factories were established and still now there’s no end of it. “The factories”, yeah, you almost get right? The dark smoke coming out from the chimneys are brandishing the ecological balance from its original state and this is how all it was started. More factories mean more smoke and more pollution, which gave a birth to this word known as Global Warming.

The Mad Rush of Development Is a Major Cause

Soon the rat race of development was spread in the different corner of the world and humans started cutting trees just to brag about his sky touching building in the place of our life-saving trees, it’s like switching off your oxygen button while lying on the ventilator. We forgot to know the difference between the overconsumption and the adequate amount of use of our natural resources, we started owning it and our sins are taking us slowly towards the destruction. God permits us the utilization of environment, but this should not be excessive.  The elements that support lives should be conserved so that they can be utilized continuously.

 Connect with nature

The World Environment Day is declared as a day of paying the homage to the nature for maintaining the life cycle of all the living being and satiating the needs of all the living beings. It’s a way to appreciate its beauty and its importance and to take forward the call to protect the Earth that we share.

Things You Should Do On The Environment Day.

Are you really wanted to give your contribution to saving this planet? Well, here are the couple of things you can do on Go Green Day.

Spread the social awareness message

To change the mindset of people is the first and the most important step of bringing the change into the society.  As an environment enthusiast, you can start from the most basic level by talking to children at your house or at neighborhood or by insisting your friends and relatives to participate in the environmental activities like gardening, posing banners and postures for spreading the call to protect the planet.

Change the way you travel

Do car pulling or hit the public transport on the world environment day. Take a walk, if you’re visiting any nearer place or using cycle will be a perfect option, its fun and a great way to exercise.

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Renew And Recycle

If you’re not already into this habit, it’s a good day of the year to start. These 5R’s are magic mantras when it comes to environmental conservation and sustainable usage. The concept is already taught to students at school. The problem is that elders have forgotten about it. Take time on World Environment Day to learn about this concept. There are many things that you can do on a personal level, if you just keep these 5R’s in your mind.


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