
Think Cigarettes Calm You Down More Than Meditation?

Think Cigarettes Calm You Down More Than Meditation?

No Tobacco Day - Dr. Archika Didi

“You’re not smoking cigarettes, it’s a cigarettes that smoking you”

Every year millions of adults quit smoking, their obsession for tobacco was giving him a slow and steady death. We tobacco possessed the human brain, just for the 10 minutes of satisfaction they lost their respect in their society, they started losing their body slowly and at the end tobacco kills them. Some people smokes cigarettes for no reason, some people started smoking on stupid excuses and some smoke to show others “How cool they are?”

No Tobacco Day is for those who are determined to leave this foul substance and encourage others to do so as well.

Origin of Tobacco

Tobacco has its roots coming from America to India. Increasingly popular with the arrival of Spain to America, which introduced tobacco to the Europeans by whom it was heavily traded. No doubt, with the coming of tobacco, the American markets were at boom in the early 19 th century. But tobacco gave birth to an incurable disease known as cancer, which means nothing but a slow death.

The Boom of Cigarettes into the Society

Following this tradition of chewing tobacco, cigarettes comes as a new addiction for Americans and soon this smoking addiction was spread in the different corners of the world. Tobacco was first discovered by the native people of Mesoamerica and South America and later introduced to Europe and the rest of the world.

The Actual Use of Tobacco

The main purpose of using the tobacco was for a medical treatment and sometimes for some spiritual occasions. Tobacco was considered as a gift of the creator and smoking tobacco was seen as carrying one’s thoughts and prayers to the spirits.

The Dawn of Tobacco As A Threat To Mankind.

Tobacco was heavily traded in India and soon it we see a huge evolution in the consumption of Tobacco. Ghuttka, khaini, beedi and cigarettes are the basic forms of tobacco made by us.

History Of No Tobacco Day

No Tobacco Day was declared with the goal of raising a social awareness about the disastrous effects of this habit. Tobacco is nothing, but wastage of money and life. It was necessary to spread awareness about this foul substance that has now become the weapon of destruction for a mankind.

Tobacco Is a Slow Death

Tobacco is now become a global threat which takes thousands of lives every year, it’s one of the primary killers of people all over the world. If you’re addicted of tobacco, if you want to quit this foul substance, then do it today. There will be an incline walk at the starting, but if you really want live, then do it today.

Say Hello To Meditation And Good Bye To Cancer Sticks!

It’s easy! Just setting aside your cigarettes, go out and just feel the fresh air! Ok, we know for the one who smokes every day, this task will be like mission impossible for them. But the least you can do is to decrease your smoking hours for giving some relief to your lungs. Try it, you will surely feel the difference! Once you get rid off from this addicted substance, you’ll feel a drastic change in your body.

Meditation Is Good For The Lungs!

If you really want to get rid off from this foul substance, then meditation is a great way to remove mental and physical impurities that comes from cancer stick in to your body. Doing meditation is far better than smoking those killing sticks; you’ll get nothing but death. But, if you practice meditation, you’ll attain spirituality, you’ll attain peace, and you’ll be focused on your goal. There’s a lot you can get from meditation. A person addicted to tobacco always finds excuses to have it. Now you decide whether cigarettes calm you down more than meditation or not?

The challenges to quit smoking can be overwhelming, but doing meditation can help you to get rid of these cancer sticks from your life. Stress and smoking are associated with each other, which opens wide and big portals of problems in your life! Meditation is the loophole of all these problems; it will increase your will power which will directly help you to quit smoking. The stress relief mechanism of meditation is long lasting, It promotes a greater sense of general well- being, helps in the stability of mind and soul. You cannot directly stop smoking because if you do, you will start something else and this could be harmful. But the power of meditation will help you to deviate your mind from the smoke and will give you the eternal power to fight against you dangerous desire of smoking.

Why You Should Do Meditation?

You may think, just doing a couples of breathe in & breathe out exercise will help you to quit cigarettes. Well, the answer is a big YES! Meditation is full of secrets and never ending and you’ll find the solution of all your problems through meditation. Meditation will kill your desire of smoking the cancer sticks, which will take 10 minutes of your life. Meditation is filled with the immense physical benefits, which will regulate the smooth working of our body. To explain you more clearly about that, let’s have a glance over the benefits of meditation.

It reduces stress, which triggered us to smoke.

People believe that taking a puff of cigarettes will help them to ease up with the problems and stress, yeah, it lowers the adrenal flow of hormones but, for a while, whereas practicing meditation means attaining the permanent peace of mind, and it’ll also give you the power to deal with bad times calmly.

It Kills your Craving

People crave for cigarettes and this craving leads them to create havoc in their lives. Meditation will help you to pass the craving without making you to behave like a psycho; it will strengthen your will power which is the first step to quit smoking. If you really want to quit this cancer pipes, you’ve to be mentally strong.

It helps improve self- control

Meditation has a magical effect on our body, According to biologist; smokers who practice meditation started curbing their smoking habits without even knowing it!