
Scars that run deeper than skin

Scars that run deeper than skin

The first woman of our life becomes a mother with our birth. The only day when she smiles to see us cry. We grow up to come across many women in our lives; our teachers, friends, lovers, and countless acquaintances. Our lives, in a manner, revolve around women, that is, how they say that a marriage changes so many things for the wife, and also the husband. As we look around more, we see people from different walks of life and many of us quickly judge them on their looks and how they walk or talk but no one tends to know their history.

While a woman plays many roles, she accepts beating in equally numbered ways. Out there, there are ample number of examples of violence out there already, and what is needed is the focus to be on the solution than the problem. Violence can be in any form and not just physical; violence can be in any form, it does not just confine to the black and blue bruises; the psychological attack at a woman’s thought process and ideology to suppress them and in turn made to think that being treated different is okay, that mounts up to violence on a greater level.

This prevails in the society because while many talk about standing against violence of any sort, they forget that violence, whether physical or psychological lays its foundation in the early days itself when the fellow being is young and learning. Through many small exhales that take place around us we see the difference. Even at the shopping mall, the girls section has all pink, beautified clothes whereas men have clothes with motivational quotes or super heroes printed on them, now while many people may ignore them as just designer T-shirts, they play a major role in our upbringing. Similarly, when the girl child is asked to serve water to the guests and not the boy, it leaves a mark on her psychology that women are made to do the household work and that to clean up the place is her duty while only a choice for the man. These small actions along with various others collectively cause a major damage to the girl child’s brain, where she is suppressed and cannot even oppress, which would lead to psychological violence, and that is what messes the whole social system up.

The ideal idea of upbringing is not to make the boy do everything otherwise we will make them lead to a society which may become female dominant. The idea is to prepare them for equality in the manner they are brought up. This can only be done if both the man and the woman of the house share their duties equally because kids learn more from what they see than what they hear.

People often say that they are old and they use their age as an excuse to get rid of their responsibility of making a change or to contributing the society. They could not be any more wrong, they have the power to change in their hands, by teaching the young ones through their mistakes, is the action that will change the society and make this world a better place, a place where all gender live their equally with respect, dignity and without the fear of each other.