
Post Press Release – The Spiritual Journey of Manali Has Finally Come To an End

Post Press Release – The Spiritual Journey of Manali Has Finally Come To an End

Chandrayan-Tap--Sadhna-Dr. Archika Didi

Chandrayan-Tap--Sadhna-Dr. Archika Didi

The Saadhak had experienced the spiritual vibes of meditation into the alluring valley of Manali. The mind enlightening sessions of meditation was levering the souls of people on the pinnacle of immense spirituality. People who were looking for the blessing of Dr. Archika Didi has come out with the big smile on their face. Learning the techniques of Yoga under the spiritual shadow of Dr. Archika Didi had really helped people to fill their mind with positivity, especially those who are really smashed up in life.

The teachings of meditation with the spiritual words of Dr. Archika Didi steered their haunting life into a path of sunshine. The Journey of Manali was filled with lots of spiritual activities and Chandrayan Tap is one them. The Chandrayan Tap has its roots from India and now it is practicing in every corner of the world. Dr. Archika Didi was disseminating the techniques of Chandrayan Tap into the minds of people. The valleys of Manali were experiencing the immense power of yoga for the first time, which embellish the beauty of Manali.  A proper diet (prescribed by the doctors) was served to the people who were participating the spiritual session of Mediation.


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