
Meditation Can Reduce COVID-19 linked Anxiety

Meditation Can Reduce COVID-19 linked Anxiety

Meditation Can Reduce COVID-19 linked Anxiety

The COVID-19 surge has brought about drastic changes in the way we work, live, and behave. All of us are overwhelmed, anxious, and deeply stressed for fear of catching the infection.

Meditation Can Reduce COVID-19 linked Anxiety

The COVID-19 surge has brought about drastic changes in the way we work, live, and behave. All of us are overwhelmed, anxious, and deeply stressed for fear of catching the infection. Healthcare and frontline workers are working overtime and are overburdened. 

Children and adolescents have their own concerns due to disturbance in studies.

Everyone is worried due to the ongoing situation. Can something be done to tackle this anxiety related to the pandemic? Yes, and it is in our own hands.

Apart from taking necessary precautions and boosting immunity, you should give place to meditation practice in your life.

Meditation can be highly beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety due to fear of infection, fear of joblessness, lack in career growth, loneliness due to isolation, fear of complete lockdown, and many other reasons.

Meditate Daily

Through mediation, you can increase your resilience power. Meditation has been benefiting mankind for thousands of years. For millions of people, it is a part of their daily routine of spiritual practice. Meditation helps you bring your attention to the ongoing moment and focuses the mind on the present.

When you become able to focus on your breath, you can enhance your ability to control your emotions. Through certain breathing techniques, you will feel stable when everything around you feels unstable.

As you start to get anxious, close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe deeply. Breathe in to the count of four; hold it for some moments and then let go to the same count.

You will feel relaxed immediately.

Say, I am alright and all is well in my life

Visual meditation can also be of great help here. If you are staying at home, taking all the precautions but still worried, meditate on feeling alright to keep anxiety away. Say to yourself, I am alright and, meditate on people and places that help you feel good.

Meditation brings clarity in thoughts. It helps you reduce that disturbing noise in the mind that might be telling you that you may fall sick anytime.

Put that noise to rest and say, I am alright now, I am taking all the necessary precautions and I won’t worry unnecessarily rather I will focus on my work and stay cheerful.

Say, Thank you, God!

In times like these, recognize all that you have to be grateful for and show gratitude. 

In the morning, start reciting the things you are grateful for; you are in good health, or you have recovered well, you have a job, a house, or a family that takes care of your needs.

Sit with a pure heart, join your hands and show your gratitude towards God for gracing you with His numerous blessings in life. This act of showing thankfulness will also reduce your COVID-related anxiety.

And do not forget to be kind to yourself and others because right now kindness matters more than ever. Many people become vulnerable in a crisis. Understand this fact and extend extra kindness to friends, strangers, and neighbors. Small acts of kindness go a long way. They will bring a feeling of compassion and calmness within.

So, take precautions, meditate and keep calm. We will sail through these troubling times with the help of our resilience and heartfelt prayers.

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