
Mauni Amavasya, an opportunity for spiritual seekers

Mauni Amavasya, an opportunity for spiritual seekers

Mauni Amavasya, an opportunity for spiritual seekers

Spiritual seekers use Mauni Amavasya in a unique way. Apart from following certain rituals, they try to maintain absolute silence.

Mauni Amavasya, an opportunity for spiritual seekers

The day of the new moon, Amavasya, is highly auspicious, especially for spiritual seekers. And ‘Maghi Amavasya’ or ‘Mauni Amavasya’ is even more special. It is the 2nd Amavasya after the winter solstice or the one before Mahashivratri wherein the impact of both the new moon and the full moon is in a superior state.

Spiritual seekers make use of this significant occasion in a unique way. Apart from following certain rituals, they endeavour to maintain absolute silence from Mauni to Mahashivratri. During this entire period, there is a great spiritual and Yogic influence upon all existence.

The day offers a great opportunity to transcend all distractions and immerse in the inner silence after which nothing remains but pure bliss.

Realizing Absolute Silence & Void in the Inner Kingdom

Understand that when a seeker becomes completely absorbed in his inner kingdom and attains self-realization, he transforms into a Yogi or ‘Muni’. So, the root word, Muni, transforms into ‘Mouni’ implying the meditative heart that reaches the level of deep meditation.

And during the new moon, Mauni Amavasya, such seekers try to realize the silence of the great void that can be attained only through such deep meditation. This profound state of mind helps seekers conquer all sorts of internal chaos that exists in the form of mindless inner self-talks and imagery.

Seekers overcome all thought waves from various directions and reach the edge of perception.

Be a ‘Purified Mind’ on Mauni Amavasya

Practicing yogic breathing consistently brings one to an inner state of silence where one contemplates and gains a deep understanding of the entrapments of worldly affairs. Also, practicing meditation on Mauni Amavasya, manifests the supreme purification not only of internal tendencies, but also dormant impressions fixed in the mind and soul.

Now the ultimate knowledge of the purity of the soul helps seekers transcend subtle feelings and help them experience a thoughtless void; a void that can be held by only a purified mind.

This Mauni Amavasya, try to purify your mind. It will help you understand that your affirmations, spiritual as well as material, can actually turn into a reality. And when it will happen, you’ll start living a perfect spiritual life based on daily meditation with a greater synchronization with cosmic changes including lunar periods.

Hence, on Mauni Amavasya, be a free soul without distractions and with the inner silence. Also, understand that a new moon is symbolic of no thoughts or even no mind where there are no useless mental images. And this is also an opportunity to offer prayers and seek blessings with the right knowledge of God and His magnificence.

Thus, on Mauni Amavasya sit down in meditation for some time. It will certainly open the path towards the attainment of inner peace while fulfilling all your wishes.