
Give happiness and you shall receive happiness

Give happiness and you shall receive happiness


Give happiness and you shall receive happiness, spread love and joy and you shall get the same in return.- Happy International Happiness Day

A wise man once said, the more you give the more you will get. Sadly we misinterpreted it and started thinking of charity as something only confined to monetary terms. Give happiness and you shall receive happiness, spread love and joy and you shall get the same in return. God forever is watching us and smiling upon us, make Him proud by giving His children moments of pleasure, joy, positivity and happiness; because charity begins deep within everyone, if you cannot gift happiness to yourself then there is no way that you will be able to spread happiness. If you are not happy on the inside how can you spread happiness on the outside? The more you give, the more you will get; this is purely for the joy and love one spreads. Live, love and laugh with others and that is the biggest case of charity.


Charity begins at home” however no one ever asked, why only home? Does it end there? What if I don’t have a home? Am I incapable of Charity? Can a homeless person not be charitable? Charity is mostly counted in monetary terms, well established in the materialistic world. No wonder our mindsets have been occupied with the economics of giving and receiving. To clarify, charity is not merely to do with money or clothes, food and shelters either; nor is it about educating someone. Surprisingly, we have all been mislead for as long as one can remember. If offering commodities and services to the needy is not charity then what is?

The technical definition of charity is being selfless; putting the needs of the needy before yours. Charity is a much bigger concept than mere four walls and a roof, charity begins within one’s self. We need to realise that charity is not about giving away things to those who need, that is just a small subdivision of charity, if you may. The true meaning of charity is to give up the evils within and accept positivity. Greeting someone with a big smile and hug when they are having a bad day is charity; spreading joy to people is charity. It is also considered charity when one gives up ego, anger and lust because when you let go of these evils, you make room for positivity, honesty and love, making you feel happy and experience peace. Simply contributing positivity and love in society.

Sharing your smiles

One who does not earn a single penny can still be the biggest contributor of spreading joy. Most orphanages and old age homes have enough resources to be operational, what they need is some love and affection, giving your precious time to someone is an act of charity. Time is the biggest and the most expensive gift one can give to another being. Every once in awhile spend time with someone and make them feel special, the smile on their face will be your return gift along with your heart blooming with happiness.

To help someone selflessly is an addiction one never wants to get over. Sharing your smiles and meals with someone is the beauty that God has blessed us within the name of charity which we must not hesitate to carry out. The true meaning of life lies in giving not receiving; the gift of sharing that God has blessed us with is what charity is.

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