
How Your Daily Routine Should Be!

How Your Daily Routine Should Be!

How Your Daily Routine Should Be!

A healthy daily routine bring positivity towards you, it has a direct impact on your sleep cycle, eating habits & stress level

How Your Daily Routine Should Be!

A stable and flourishing life isn’t always about great success. It’s also about steadiness. A consistent and healthy routine leads to a balanced life and success arrives naturally to you.

Moreover, maintaining a healthy routine is a must to have amid the ongoing pandemic. Also, do not forget to follow the effective ‘eight-hour rule’ while maintaining a healthy routine.

According to this rule, work for eight hours, keep eight hours for your self-development activities, hobbies, Yoga, Meditation and other productive works and then sleep for eight hours.

This will bring consistency to your daily routine.

Not only does a healthy daily routine bring positivity towards you, but it has a direct impact on your sleep cycle, eating habits and stress level.

You just need to be consistent from, what’s your first activity in the morning to what you do last before going to sleep.

But, how to maintain that?

Here are some tips to maintain a healthy daily routine.

  1. Eat Right at the Right Time

No matter how busy you are or how much your plan changes regularly, try to take a balanced diet every day. This will fulfill your body’s daily requirement of proteins, calories, minerals, vitamins and important nutrients.

By sticking to a diet plan, you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food and more likely to sustain your overall good health.

  1. Give Water the Attention it deserves

As you move to keep up your healthy eating habits, give importance to water intake as well. Stay properly hydrated always. Drink enough water daily as it improves your body functions in a miraculous way.

As per dietary guidelines, a healthy person needs about eight glasses (Two Litres) of water a day that may go up in hot, sweaty weather and during strenuous activities.

  1. Stick to Yoga, Meditation and Exercise Routine

In the ongoing pandemic era, everyone understands the real importance of Yoga, Meditation and exercise. If it is a part of your daily routine, that’s great and if not, start from today.

Further, you might know that regular exercise and meditation is essential for a healthy body and mind yet you might not realize how important they are for feeling contented and maintaining a healthy routine.

They keep you fit physically and mentally enabling you to stick to your healthy routine. So, be with Yoga and Exercise every day.

  1. Stick to a Healthy Work Schedule

In the course of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many people are working from home. The facility is beneficial for many yet upsetting for some as they find it difficult to build a healthy work-family balance in this scenario. In fact, the online working system has impacted the mental health of a large number of professionals.

And right now, it has become quite essential to take care of mental health. So, try not to take much stress, eat healthy and boost your immunity by taking healthy snacks, and juices.

Once you’ll get used to a healthy work schedule, you will be at peace with yourself to sustain your daily routine.

  1. Sleep Deep like a Yogi

A sound sleep is crucial for deep emotional and physical healing. It rewires your brain and also helps you in self-exploration. So, never take your sleep for granted.

When you don’t get proper sleep, you’re more likely to skip the Yoga, meditation and exercise routine further making you prone to an unhealthy routine.

So, make a goal to get eight hours of sleep every day. For that make your own sleeping cycle and maintain a lifestyle that can provide you with enough sleep without any disturbance.

And finally,

  1. Practice Forgiveness Sometimes

We are all human beings. Even when we try our hardest to stick to a healthy routine, we have to expect the occasional disturbances. We ought to have some bad days occasionally, and when this happens, try not to convince yourself that you’ve faltered your routine and you can’t get back to it.

Instead, forgive yourself for such minor disorders and do your best to resume your daily routine. Understand that you can get back to your healthy habits anytime.

So, never lose your motivation and maintain a healthy lifestyle always. Keep your energy balance steady and know that maintaining a healthy daily routine isn’t a short-term goal. Consider it to be the key for your long-term well-being and stick to it every day.


Dr Archika Didi
