
Her Body, Her Choice! | Population control

Her Body, Her Choice! | Population control

Her Body, Her Choice

Her Body, Her Choice!

A woman is a life-giver. She has immense innate power and so Mother Nature has conferred on her the big responsibility of giving birth to a child. In the process, she should be the sole decision-maker, whether to choose or deny pregnancy. She must have the power to choose when it comes to pregnancy and motherhood.

When mothers have the right knowledge to exercise this power, babies can survive and thrive in a better atmosphere.

A majority of mothers, however, lack that power due to illiteracy, financial dependence, various discriminatory practices, and sometimes, lack of access to healthcare and maternity services.

As a result, their health and their baby’s health face grave risks. Many mothers have to go through unwanted pregnancies. This cannot be ignored as our country is already bearing the burden of massive population growth.

Our country needs population control desperately. Along with the national or global level, it can start at the local level as well. And for that, a woman must understand that it’s her body and it should be her choice when it comes to pregnancy. She must understand the significance of population control for her own development.

Women Can Change the World with this Power

We know that India has the second-largest population in the world, and we are seeing how our country is facing challenges in dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and then in the vaccination process. Further, the growing population will have far-reaching implications for generations to come. It will affect access to jobs, health care, education, housing, sanitation, water, etc. Hence, attention must turn towards population control and women should be at the forefront for the essential cause.

A woman has the inherent right to choose what she does with her body because only she has to ensure its well-being. The quality of her life depends upon her decision. And therefore, she must understand her ‘bodily autonomy and reproductive decision-making powers. She has to empower herself to make decisions about her well-being, contraception, and sex. If she is not prepared psychologically, everyone in the family must respect her choice. Her decision can change the world for good. Otherwise, the state of the global population will be even more dreadful.

The World is ‘Overburdened’ Already

According to the United Nations, it took over thousands of years for the global population to reach 1 billion but in a mere 200 years or so, it grew sevenfold.

In 2011, the global population touched the 7 billion mark, and today, it stands at about 7.7 billion, and it’s likely to grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in another 50 years.

What is more, about 830 women die in pregnancy or during childbirth every day?  Millions of women don’t have access to reproductive or sexual health services. Every year 12 million girls are forced into child marriage. Gender-based violence is also widespread.

Needless to say, now is the time for women to say, “My body is my own, and therefore I have the power to make my own choices about it. I won’t allow my body to give birth to more than two children if I choose to become a mother at all.”

If women have lesser children by choice, obviously they can take good care of their health, nutrition, education, and safety.

Therefore, dear women, this is your body and only your choice should matter when it comes to giving birth to a child. Always take the right decision by yourself.

Your firm stand will add up to a better world with better facilities and human well-being, which will naturally benefit us all.

Special spiritual meditation and yoga session will be conducted by Dr. Archika Didi

From 20th to 25th August, 2022

Register Now: Muktinath & Pashupatinath Special Meditation retreat