
Meditating on Gautam Buddha | Have a blessed Buddh Purnima

Meditating on Gautam Buddha | Have a blessed Buddh Purnima

Meditating on Gautam Buddha

“Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.”-Gautam Buddha

Meditating on Gautam Buddha

“Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.”

-Gautam Buddha

The full moon day in the month of May is celebrated as Vaishakha Purnima or Buddh Purnima. This extraordinary Purnima is observed worldwide as the pious day to mark Gautam Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and demise. The day is also an apt day to practice meditation.

Gautam Buddha achieved enlightenment after years of meditation under the Bodhi tree. The followers of Gautam Buddha also endeavour to understand the world and themselves through the transforming path of meditation. Through this practice they achieve success in connecting within, and they are ‘awakened’. And for this, they try to meditate like Gautam Buddha.

In meditation, seekers sit and observe themselves. Sometimes a mantra is repeated to help focus mind on the higher power. They pay attention to their breath, or to the body and its subtle energies. They also focus on the flow of ideas and images that travel through the mind. The outcome of such meditation is more than inner peace and calm.

We all know that Gautam Buddha left the life of luxury to seek true knowledge and freedom, and ultimate enlightenment. For Him, meditation is the key as he said-

“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead. Meditation is key.”

Meditation vs Worship

A lot of people consider meditation as a prayer or a form of worship. They must understand that prayer is about remembering a higher power and worshipping God. Meditation, on the other hand, is about the guided transformation of seekers through their own endeavour. Seekers simply pay attention to their own body and mind and enhance their spiritual quotient.

Through meditation, you can live liberated from suffering, fear and uncertainty as here you are seeking your own higher potential for spiritual strength. It’s a superlative human experience. For the spiritually inclined or simply those looking for bliss and inner peace, meditation is a beautiful experience.

Meditation during Full Moon

Meditating during the full moon is highly significant because on this day, the flow of spiritual energy reaches a peak. It is believed that the full moon enhances the activity of the mind, magnifying conscious and subconscious thoughts. This helps in enhancing one’s spiritual experience.  Moreover, a full moon meditation can bring forth the great healing power and also creates a more harmonious life for the seeker.

Therefore, Buddh Purnima is the right occasion to remove negativity from your mind through meditation. Further, it is the day to motivate yourself and accept what you have achieved despite various challenges and to show gratitude for the many blessings you have received. So, devote today to meditate and connect deeply with your inner wisdom, nature and, God’s blessings.

Have a blessed Buddh Purnima!!





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